
MODISTO II results are now available. From this section, you can both access the products of the previous MODISTO project and the current MODISTO II project.

MODISTO project included one main result: an e-learning course to be used in VET courses related to the sector of clothing and textile with the aim to support VET students and teachers for the acquisition of concepts and abilities related to sustainability in the fashion sector. It consisted of four modules addressing the topics of: Principles of Eco-design; Sustainable materials; Eco-labeling and Certification; and Sustainability Criteria in the Fashion and Clothing Sector.

MODISTO II extends the previous e-elearning course with four addition modules focusing on eco-design for processes, namely: Sustainability and Ethics; Reduction of Energy and Water Comsumption; Minimizing Wase Production; and Cyclability of Products.

The e-learning courses are customized for the sector of fashion and clothing, but there are many resources that can be used transversally and transferred to other sectors. The e-learning courses include contents in Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Italian and English. They are accessible from this link.

To facilitate the access to the MODISTO II course and all the rest of didactic resources referred below in this section, we have created a Student’s Guide which is accessible for download at this link. All the products bear a non-commercial Creative Commons licence.

Logo CC

In addition to the extension of the e-learning course MODISTO II has created 4 real-life study cases enabling interaction to practice specific competences in the field of eco-design for processes. Each one of them have been carefully selected for the partners in each country. They can be accessed directly through these links:

- Practical Spanish Case: Infinitdenim

- Practical Protuguese Case: Acatel

- Practical Italian Case: Sustainability and Ethics

- Practical Czech Case: Zero Waste Design & Linda Havrlíková

Finally, the e-learning course and the study cases of MODISTO II are embedded in a learing environment smartly designed to access the in a playful way. The user can navigate through a virtual space and interact with sensible objects linked both to the elearning course and the study cases to facilitate the customized accessibility to the resources according to the user’s own interests. The learning environment of MODISTO II is directly accesible from this link.

All the above mentioned results of MODISTO II are OERs. This means that they are of free access through the hosting platform, once registered for free,or directly from the provided hyperlinks. The didactic resources will be also accessible from the platform of results of Erasmus plus.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Spanish National Agency (SEPIE). Neither the European Union nor SEPIE can be held responsible for them.