ASECOM es la Asociación de Empresas de Confección y Moda de la Comunidad de Madrid fundada en 1977 para promover el desarrollo empresarial en beneficio del interés general, y defender la empresa privada como núcleo básico de creación de puestos de trabajo, riqueza y bienestar económico y social.
Miembro de la Federación Española de Empresas de Confección (FEDECON)
Miembro de la Confederación Empresarial de Madrid - CEOE
Miembro Fundador del Patronato de la Fundación para la Promoción del Diseño en la Comunidad de Madrid (FUNDISMA)
Miembro de la Asociación por el Pacto Mundial (ASEPAM)
La Federación Española de Empresas de la Confección, FEDECON, fue creada en 1977 por emprendedores del sector de la moda. Es la única organización que coordina y representa a la industria de la confección española a nivel nacional.
El objetivo principal de FEDECON es defenden los intereses del sector de la confección y promover la imagen de la "Moda de España" (MODAESPAÑA).
FEDECON es una entidad independiente, sin ánimo de lucro que tiene capacidad legal plena para actuar. Para cumplir sus objetivos FEDECON se estableció conforme a una estructura territorial compuesta de 14 asociaciones que representan la Industria de la Confección y la Moda a nivel regional en las diferentes Comunidades Autónomas de España.
FEDECON es miembro de la Confedaración Española de Organizaciones Empresariales (CEOE). Participó en su creación junto con otras organizaciones que representan diferentes áreas de actividad de la Industria Española.

Por eso nos hemos empeñado en cambiarla y sabemos que es posible. Tú eres la prueba de que se puede hacer moda de una forma diferente.
¿Cuántas veces te has cuestionado si seguir adelante con tu marca?
¿No sería más sencillo dedicarme a otra cosa?
Nosotros nos hemos hecho esta pregunta una y mil veces. Sin embargo, la respuesta, una y mil veces, ha sido la misma. Es lo que tiene amar la moda, estar convencidos de que puede tener un impacto positivo y ser muy tozudos.
Te suena, ¿verdad?
También te sonará esa sensación de soledad. Sentirte perdido y no saber por dónde tirar.
Algo así, en grado sumo, debieron experimentar un grupo de amigas sevillanas allá por 2014. Sin embargo, descubrieron que esa no era la pregunta correcta. Te estás haciendo la pregunta equivocada. Ellas estaban perdidas, sí, pero tuvieron visión de futuro.
En febrero de 2015 fundan la asociación. A la cabeza Silvia Muñoz Valera, abogada especializada en derecho de la moda y presidenta de AMSA en su primera etapa. La mujer que supo ver el futuro de la moda sostenible.
Y sí, has oído bien. AMSE primero fue AMSA. No es una errata.
Es lo que tiene nacer como Asociación regional de Moda Sostenible en Andalucía y convertirse, poco tiempo después, en sede nacional.
Lo importante es que Silvia se reformuló la pregunta y encontró la respuesta adecuada. Qué cierto cuando dicen que no hay una respuesta correcta si la pregunta no es acertada.

Formación y Educación Integral (FEI) se estableció el 10 de octubre de 1997, agrupando a un equipo de expertos de formación y administración provenientes de varios centros de formación. Su misión fundacional es la de diseñar, planificar e implantar iniciativas en los campos de la formación, acitivades de difusión tecnológica y participación en proyectos de formación orientados a los ámbitos profesionales, empresariales y personales.
Actualmente FEI está compuesto por un equipo de expertos interdisciplinares en los campos de la pedagogía, informática y diseño, con más de 60 trabajadores permanentes. Además cuenta con más de 200 profesores especializados en diferentes áreas.
En los últimos tres años, FEI ha desarrollado más de 1.000 iniciativas de formación dirigidas tanto a trabajadores como a desempleados.
En 2014, FEI estableció un centro de Formación Profesional autorizado por el Ministerio de Educación con el número: 28075595.
FEI sigue un proceso de mejora continua y está certificado en los siguientes estándares:
ISO-9001-2008 - para el desarrollo de iniciativas formativas desde 2002.
ISO-14001-2004 - Medioambiente. Desde 2007.
EFQM - más de 400 puntos, equivalente al Sello de Plata del Modelo de Excelencia EFQM.

ATP is the only association in Portugal that represents companies from all textile industry pipeline (spinning; weaving; home textiles; clothing; hosiery; dyeing, printing and finishing; wholesalers; etc…). We have around 500 companies as members, representing 35.000 jobs.
Our mission is:
To gather textile, clothing and fashion companies, empowering their claims and giving high visibility to their legitimate interests; to advocate for companies, company owners and their expectations, fostering the necessary conditions for an environment that values competitiveness and development; to provide useful and customized services, by giving information, advice, vocational and continous training and helping decision-making.
The main areas of these services are: labour, tax, commercial, civil and competition law, European Community law, international trade, national and international statistics, incentive systems, internationalization, environmen, quality, R&D, energy, professional training and industrial licensing, commercial information, textile and fashion fairs, among others.

MODATEX (Vocational Training Centre of the Textile, Apparel, Clothing Manufacturing and Wool Industries) was created in 2011 by a protocol established between the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), the International Textile and Clothing Industries of Portugal (ATP), the National Association of Apparel and Clothing Industries (ANIVEC / APIV) and National Association of Manufacturers of Wool (ANIL).
The Center's goal is to contribute to a better coordination of strategic and operational training in the sector, to respond more effectively to the needs of qualification and continuous training improvement of people and organizations, as well as, to provide closely technical support to all players in the Textile and Clothing Industry.
The activity of MODATEX covers: VET Training, Provision of Services (training and technical consulting for companies in the sector), Technical Testing Laboratory, National and Transnational Projects, Workshops and Seminars.
The Center offers training in the areas of Fashion and Textile Design, Computer Science Applied to Design, Management and Marketing, Visual Merchandising, Patterning and Clothing Manufacturing, Textile and Knitting, Refining Textile (dyeing, printing and finishing), Quality, Maintenance, Commercial and Logistics, Softskills cross training and behavior. It also provides Short and Summer Courses, Workshops and Seminars.
The participation in national and international Fashion contests (ITS Fashion, Acrobactic, Young Creative Chevrolet, Concurso Novos Criadores PFN, Concurso Aiguille D’Or, Nespresso Design Contest) is highly encouraged among the students, as an essential curriculum improvement element, considering the possibility of development of specific projects where the know-how acquired in training can be used.
ATOK ,established in 1990, associates the Czech textile and apparel companies. It represents the Czech producers towards the country’s public and government institutions and organizations abroad. It plays an important platform for dialogue and formulation of social attitudes and needs of Czech textile manufacturers. Also it is an important point for the establishment of the new business contacts as well as the exchange of information on business, economy, technologies and technical education.
ATOK provides statistical information of the socio-economic performance of the textile sector in Czech Republic. It counts with the experience of international co-operation with partners in LEONARDO da Vinci , CLUSTERS and the 7th Framework programme projects.
One of its main roles is the supporting and developing of the technical educational system on vocational and university levels and co-operation between the schools and production practice. Two of ATOK's members are authorised VET centres, thus providing a direct connection between education and entreprises.
ATOK's mission and activities also include working in cooperation with analogous organizations and institutes abroad.

In present, the Textile Testing Institute (TZÚ) is a leader in branch of testing and certification in the Czech Republic and is involved in many other activities within the experimental development.
The rapid progress in our branch also requires keeping the knowledge up-to-date; therefore, TZU offers educational activities based on the outcomes of Leonardo da Vinci international projects in which it takes part. TZÚ is experienced and interested in development of VET with application of ECVET. We organize regular training for both- quality managers and sale people who are imparted in the experience in solving the complaints by forensic experts.
TZU is very active also in research activities and projects within 2 important Czech clusters: KCN – Furniture cluster and CLUTEX – Cluster of technical textiles.

The Academy of Fine art of Naples is, since 1752, the most important institution in the Southern area of Italy addressed to education of fine arts. The Academy as cultural and artistic center, has always been present in national and international art system and besides traditional visual arts department, today offers design, communication, audio-visual, restoration bachelor and master’s degree. It currently counts about 3000 students from Campania and many other Italian regions beyond students from foreign countries.
The Accademia has two sites, one central, the historic place, since 1822, is the ancient monastery “San Giovanni delle Monache” built between 1673 -1732. The second one is Fondazione Foqus, localized in Quartieri Spagnoli, a place where co-exist schools, different association and Academy of Fine Arts.
Department involved in the project
Fashion Design Department
The fashion design department, since 2008, aims to encourage creative approach to fashion design, research in Fashion area developing links with fashion players in the local and national area. The course of study in Fashion design has the aim of training fashion designer with skills in clothing and accessories design. The profile who forms has skills in contemporary signs and languages, developing project, materials and technologies knowledges, fashion management, history of fashion, costume design.

CONFORM - Consulenza, Formazione e Management S.c.a.r.l. has been working for more than 20 years at national and international level. It promotes and develops important research projects and training plans with innovative formats and solutions in the classroom, experiential learning and e-learning. It provides consultancy and technical assistance to businesses and the Public Sector, with the support of experienced staff and a consolidated team of trainers, consultants, professionals, managers and entrepreneurs all who bear successful experiences.