L’Accademia di Napoli è una delle più grandi e prestigiose d’Italia, un bene culturale, patrimonio materiale e immateriale, luogo di didattica, ricerca e produzione. Centro artistico e culturale è sempre stata presente nel sistema nazionale ed internazionale delle arti. L’offerta formativa, oggi, si amplia con i Dipartimenti di progettazione e arti applicate con corsi quali Fashion Design, Fotografia Cinema e audiovisivo, Nuove Tecnologie dell’Arte, Design della comunicazione e Restauro, che arricchiscono i percorsi tradizionali del dipartimento di Arti visive quali Pittura, Scultura, Decorazione, Arti Grafiche.
La sua storia ha inizio nel 1752, anno in cui Carlo di Borbone, in linea con quanto stava accadendo a Madrid e in altre grandi capitali europee, istituì la Real Accademia del Disegno. La prima sede fu a San Carlo alle Mortelle, dove da oltre un decennio erano attivi i reali laboratori degli Arazzi e delle Pietre Dure. L’Accademia oggi ha due sedi, quella storica, fin dal 1822, sita nell’antico Convento di San Giovanni delle Monache costruito tra il 1673 -1732 e l’altra presso la Fondazione Foqus, ai quartieri Spagnoli.
Da sempre aperta al confronto e al dibattito sulle arti, l’Accademia di Napoli ha accolto, come studenti e come Maestri, artisti che fanno la storia dell’arte napoletana della seconda metà del Novecento.
Oggi è frequentata da circa 3000 studenti provenienti dalla Campania e da diverse regioni italiane e paesi stranieri.
Dipartimenti coinvolti nel progetto
Dipartimento di Fashion Design
Il dipartimento di Fashion design, fin dal 2008, mira a incoraggiare l'approccio creativo al design e alla ricerca nell'ambito della moda, sviluppando legami con i diversi attori nell’area sia locale sia nazionale. Il corso di studi in Fashion design ha l'obiettivo di formare fashion designer con competenze nella progettazione di abiti e accessori, in segni e linguaggi contemporanei, sviluppo del progetto, conoscenze di materiali e tecnologie, fashion management, storia della moda, costume design.

CONFORM opera dal 1995 a livello nazionale e internazionale, promuovendo e sviluppando importanti progetti di ricerca, piani di formazione, con format e soluzioni innovative, in presenza, esperienziali e in modalità e-learning, attività di consulenza e assistenza tecnica alle imprese e alla pubblica amministrazione, con il supporto di personale esperto e di un team consolidato di formatori, consulenti, professionisti, manager e imprenditori, portatori di esperienze di successo.

ASECOM is the Fashion Association from Madrid. It was founded in 1977 to promote business development in the public interest, and defend private enterprise as the core of creating jobs, wealth and economic and social welfare.
The services offered by ASECOM: Tax Advice, Query Resolution, Fashion Sector, Training Courses for Workers and Employers, Processing Files, Management Jobs, Foreign Trade department, Searching for external funding, Grouped Aid Management, Entrepreneurs, Space Management for sector business project.
Member of Spanish Federation of Clothing Companies (FEDECON)
Member of Madrid Business Confederation (CEOE)
Founding member of theBoard of the Foundation for the Promotionof Design inthe Community of Madrid (FUNDISMA)
Member of the Association of Global Compact (ASEPAM)
La Federazione Spagnola delle Imprese di Abbigliamento, FEDECON, è stata creata nel 1977 da imprenditori del settore della moda. È l'unica organizzazione che coordina e rappresenta l'industria dell'abbigliamento spagnola a livello nazionale.
L'obiettivo principale di FEDECON è difendere gli interessi del settore dell'abbigliamento e promuovere l'immagine della "Moda Spagnola" (MODAESPAÑA).
FEDECON è un ente indipendente, senza scopo di lucro, dotato di piena capacità giuridica di agire. Per raggiungere i suoi obiettivi, FEDECON è stata costituita secondo una struttura territoriale composta da 14 associazioni che rappresentano l'industria dell'abbigliamento e della moda a livello regionale nelle diverse Comunità autonome della Spagna.
FEDECON è membro della Confederazione Spagnola delle Organizzazioni Imprenditoriali (CEOE). Ha partecipato alla sua creazione insieme ad altre organizzazioni che rappresentano diversi settori di attività dell'industria spagnola.

WE LOVE FASHION WITH CAPITAL LETTERS That is why we made an effort to change it and we know that it is possible. You are the proof that you can make fashion in a different way.
How many times have you wondered whether to go ahead with your brand? Wouldn't it be easier to dedicate myself to something else? We have asked ourselves this question a thousand times. However, the answer, a thousand times over, has been the same.
This is what it means to love fashion, to be convinced that it can have a positive impact and to be very stubborn.
Sounds familiar, right? That feeling of loneliness will also sound familiar to you. Feeling lost and not knowing where to go.
Something like this, to a great extent, was the experience of a group of friends from Seville back in 2014. However, they discovered that this was not the right question. You are asking yourself the wrong question. They were lost, yes, but they had a vision of the future.
In February 2015 they founded the association. Silvia Muñoz Valera, lawyer specialized in fashion law and president of AMSA leading the first stage of it. The woman who knew how to see the future of sustainable fashion. And yes, you read it right. AMSE first was AMSA. This is not a typo. This is what it has to be born as a regional Sustainable Fashion Association in Andalusia and to become, shortly after, the national headquarters. The important thing is that Silvia reformulated the question and found the right answer. How true when they say that there is no correct answer when the question is not the right one.

Formación y Education Integral (FEI) was established on 10th October 1997, gathering a team of experts in administration and training coming from different Training Centres. The foundational mission is the design, the planning and the implementation of initiatives in the fields of training, technological dissemination activities and participation in projects oriented to the education in the personal, professional and corporate fields.
Currently FEI is composed by an interdisciplinary team of experts in pedagogy, informatics and design, with more than 60 employees in-house. In addition, it counts with more than 200 specialised teachers in different highly demanded areas.
In the last three years FEI has developed more than 1.000 training initiatives addressed both to workers and unemployed.
In 2014, FEI established a VET Centre authorised by the Ministry of Education under the code: 28075595.
FEI is involved in a continuous improvemente process, for which it is certified in the following Quality Standards:
ISO-9001-2008 - For the development of training activities since 2002.
ISO-14001-2004 Environment. Since 2007
EFQM - Certified by a licensee of the Club de Gestión de la Calidad, with a score of more than 400 points, equivalent to the Silver Seal of the Model EFQM Excellence.

ATP is the only association in Portugal that represents companies from all textile industry pipeline (spinning; weaving; home textiles; clothing; hosiery; dyeing, printing and finishing; wholesalers; etc…). We have around 500 companies as members, representing 35.000 jobs.
Our mission is:
To gather textile, clothing and fashion companies, empowering their claims and giving high visibility to their legitimate interests; to advocate for companies, company owners and their expectations, fostering the necessary conditions for an environment that values competitiveness and development; to provide useful and customized services, by giving information, advice, vocational and continous training and helping decision-making.
The main areas of these services are: labour, tax, commercial, civil and competition law, European Community law, international trade, national and international statistics, incentive systems, internationalization, environmen, quality, R&D, energy, professional training and industrial licensing, commercial information, textile and fashion fairs, among others.

MODATEX (Vocational Training Centre of the Textile, Apparel, Clothing Manufacturing and Wool Industries) was created in 2011 by a protocol established between the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), the International Textile and Clothing Industries of Portugal (ATP), the National Association of Apparel and Clothing Industries (ANIVEC / APIV) and National Association of Manufacturers of Wool (ANIL).
The Center's goal is to contribute to a better coordination of strategic and operational training in the sector, to respond more effectively to the needs of qualification and continuous training improvement of people and organizations, as well as, to provide closely technical support to all players in the Textile and Clothing Industry.
The activity of MODATEX covers: VET Training, Provision of Services (training and technical consulting for companies in the sector), Technical Testing Laboratory, National and Transnational Projects, Workshops and Seminars.
The Center offers training in the areas of Fashion and Textile Design, Computer Science Applied to Design, Management and Marketing, Visual Merchandising, Patterning and Clothing Manufacturing, Textile and Knitting, Refining Textile (dyeing, printing and finishing), Quality, Maintenance, Commercial and Logistics, Softskills cross training and behavior. It also provides Short and Summer Courses, Workshops and Seminars.
The participation in national and international Fashion contests (ITS Fashion, Acrobactic, Young Creative Chevrolet, Concurso Novos Criadores PFN, Concurso Aiguille D’Or, Nespresso Design Contest) is highly encouraged among the students, as an essential curriculum improvement element, considering the possibility of development of specific projects where the know-how acquired in training can be used.
ATOK ,established in 1990, associates the Czech textile and apparel companies. It represents the Czech producers towards the country’s public and government institutions and organizations abroad. It plays an important platform for dialogue and formulation of social attitudes and needs of Czech textile manufacturers. Also it is an important point for the establishment of the new business contacts as well as the exchange of information on business, economy, technologies and technical education.
ATOK provides statistical information of the socio-economic performance of the textile sector in Czech Republic. It counts with the experience of international co-operation with partners in LEONARDO da Vinci , CLUSTERS and the 7th Framework programme projects.
One of its main roles is the supporting and developing of the technical educational system on vocational and university levels and co-operation between the schools and production practice. Two of ATOK's members are authorised VET centres, thus providing a direct connection between education and entreprises.
ATOK's mission and activities also include working in cooperation with analogous organizations and institutes abroad.

In present, the Textile Testing Institute (TZÚ) is a leader in branch of testing and certification in the Czech Republic and is involved in many other activities within the experimental development.
The rapid progress in our branch also requires keeping the knowledge up-to-date; therefore, TZU offers educational activities based on the outcomes of Leonardo da Vinci international projects in which it takes part. TZÚ is experienced and interested in development of VET with application of ECVET. We organize regular training for both- quality managers and sale people who are imparted in the experience in solving the complaints by forensic experts.
TZU is very active also in research activities and projects within 2 important Czech clusters: KCN – Furniture cluster and CLUTEX – Cluster of technical textiles.