MODISTO Multiplier Event in Portugal


ATP, with the cooperation of MODATEX, organized the MODISTO Multiplier Event in Portugal, which was held in the 7th of September 2022.

It happened as a parallel activity to the Modtissimo Trade Exhibition (60 edition – 6 & 7 September - held in Exponor – Leça da Palmeira – North Region of Portugal), one of the most important events for textile and clothing industry in Portugal.

Multiplier Event organised by ATOK


This multiplier event was conceived to promote broadly the main outcomes of MODISTO project and in particular its intellectual output, to the fashion companies in Czech Republic.

The meeting took place in the Trade Fair Area during international textile and footwear trade fair STYL&KABO on the 22/08/2022, that this year took place in Brno.

Modisto 4th Transnational Meeting. Napoli

Foto Meeting Napoli

MODISTO partners met in Napoli (Italy) on the 27 and 28 June with the purpose to review the progress of MODISTO project and report on the external testing and piloting carried out in their countries of the main product, an e-learning course on sustainability for the fashion and textile sector.

This product will be promoted openly by the partnership after the summer 2022 and made available to the public in all the languages of the partnership, once the last suggested changes are validated.

MODISTO testing closure in Madrid, Spain


FEI conducted a testing of MODISTO main product, an e-learning course, at CAMPUS FP Atocha VET centre.

As a closure of this phase of the project, on 17th June 2022, the Spanish partners prepared a small talk at Campus FP Atocha to the participating first year students of Pattern Making and Fashion VET course. They found the content of MODISTO e-learning course very interesting. They see this type of training as necessary for their professional career, being aware of the importante of sustainability.

Meeting in Prague


The partners of MODISTO Project have met in Prague, on the 10 and 11 March, for the third official transnational meeting.

The meeting was fruitful to discuss the last improvements for the e-elerning course, which is the main project result being developed.

Meeting in Porto

Meeting in Porto

The partners of MODISTO Project have met in Porto, on the 14 and 15 October, for the first face-to-face transnational meeting.

The meeting was fruitful to validate the didactic materials of the e-learning course, which is the main project result being developed.


MODISTO starting activities


MODISTO Project (standing for Sustainable Fashion and Design) began its activities on March 3, 2021. Due to current mobility restrictions caused by COVID-19, partners from the 4 participating countries, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic and Italy maintained a first virtual meeting that is being continued monthly, with the expectation of being able to meet physically at the end of summer 2021.